Ribbon PropertiesSSW Signature Series Wax
Description ResultTestMethod
InkWax (resin-enhanced)
Total Thickness7.9 ± 0.6μMicrometer
Base Film Thickness4.8 ± 0.3μMicrometer
Durability of Printed Image
Label StockCoated Paper
Print Speed6 IPS
Description ResultTestMethod
Print Density> 1.80Densitometer
Smudge Resistance A*Colorfastness Tester - 50 Cycles @ 500 Grams with Cotton Cloth
Scratch ResistanceA* Colorfastness Tester - 20 Cycles @ 200 Grams with Stainless Steel Pointed Tip
*American National Standard Institute (ANSI) Grade Levels A, B, C, D, and F, where A is excellent, B is above average, C is average, D is below average, and F is poor.
Conversion Chart
Millimeters (mm) to Inchesmm ÷ 25.4
Meters (m) to Feet (ft) m ÷ 0.3048
C° to F° (1.8 X C°) + 32 = F°
Thousand square inches (MSI) to m2 MSI X 0.645
Inches to Millimeters (mm) Inches ÷ 0.03937
Feet (ft) to Meters (m) Feet ÷ 3.2808
F° to C° (F° ÷ 1.8) - 17.77
MSI m2 ÷ 0.645